Grateful Dead Saturday July 21, 1984 Ventura, CA County Fairgrounds Soundboard > PCM copy Sony L-750ESX-HFB Dynamicron EXCELLENT SUPER HIFI VIDEO CASSETTE-> Sony SLO-1800 STEREO VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER-> Sony PCM-601ESD DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSOR-> SP/DIF-> Mytek Stereo 192 Sample Rate Converter-> Upsampled to 44.1kHz/24bit-> SP/DIF-> RME FIREFACE 800-> FireWire 400-> Lenovo K450e Desktop PC-> WaveLab 6.11 This recording was gratefully supplied by PO and Stucco TINA Holmes. Thanks to spamjam for the equipment generosity. Wavelab 7.1 for minor edits by Jamie Waddell Audition CC 2015 for patch edits by Jason Chastain Tracked with Audition 1.5-> shntool-> flac level 8 and checksums with TLH-> tagged with Mp3tag Critical Listening Asssistance by John Wenzel 16bit 44.1kHz Track, FLAC and Pack by Jason Chastain a project **GEMS** 2016 Set 1 s1t01 - crowd s1t02 - Shakedown Street s1t03 - Little Red Rooster s1t04 - crowd s1t05 - Althea s1t06 - crowd s1t07 - Me & My Uncle > s1t08 - Mexicali Blues s1t09 - China Cat Sunflower > s1t10 - I Know You Rider s1t11 - Looks Like Rain > s1t12 - Might as Well Set 2 s2t01 - Cold Rain & Snow s2t02 - Far From Me s2t03 - Truckin' > s2t04 - Eyes of the World > s2t05 - Drums > s2t06 - Space > s2t07 - The Other One > s2t08 - Stella Blue > s2t09 - Around & Around > s2t10 - One More Saturday Night Encore: s2t11 - Touch Of Grey originally shared at Jamie's notes: - The mix in Shakedown Street was a live work in progress for the first 6 minutes. The levels here were adjusted for a more even listening experience. - Shnid 96394 provided patch material for a small blip in Rooster, a few seconds of crowd before China Cat, about 4 minutes of drums, a 10 second spot in space and a tiny dropout in The Other One Jason's notes: - 96394 and 88940 adjusted for the following additional patch points: s1t01: 0:00:00 - 0:01:51 - 88940 s1t02: 0:00:00 - 0:00:08 - 96394 s1t02: 0:00:08 - 0:00:20 - 88940 s1t02: 0:13:40 - 0:14:22 - 88940 s1t03: 0:00:00 - 0:00:04 - 88940 s1t03: 0:08:50 - 0:08:56 - 88940 s1t04: all - 88940 s1t05: 0:00:00 - 0:00:13 - 96394 s1t05: 0:08:14 - 0:08:27 - 88940 s1t06: all - 88940 s1t07: 0:00:00 - 0:00:02 - 88940 s1t12: 0:04:38 - 0:04:46 - 88940 s2t01: 0:00:00 - 0:00:26 - 88940 s2t10: 0:04:15 - 0:05:11 - 88940 s2t11: 0:00:00 - 0:00:10 - 88940 s2t11: 0:06:26 - 0:06:33 - 88940 length expanded size cdr WAVE problems fmt ratio filename 1:51.56 19712156 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4911 gd84-07-21s1t01.flac 14:22.30 152127404 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5251 gd84-07-21s1t02.flac 8:55.69 94536332 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5047 gd84-07-21s1t03.flac 2:17.57 24300908 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5180 gd84-07-21s1t04.flac 8:27.41 89531276 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5161 gd84-07-21s1t05.flac 1:29.67 15857228 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4986 gd84-07-21s1t06.flac 3:05.41 32730476 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5263 gd84-07-21s1t07.flac 5:05.03 53809100 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5345 gd84-07-21s1t08.flac 5:19.73 56443340 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5419 gd84-07-21s1t09.flac 5:03.64 53599772 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5482 gd84-07-21s1t10.flac 9:06.29 96382652 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4891 gd84-07-21s1t11.flac 4:46.59 50589212 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5769 gd84-07-21s1t12.flac 8:12.61 86932316 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5504 gd84-07-21s2t01.flac 4:15.59 45120812 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5503 gd84-07-21s2t02.flac 8:35.39 90937772 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5708 gd84-07-21s2t03.flac 12:12.58 129261260 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5659 gd84-07-21s2t04.flac 10:18.63 109163420 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.3996 gd84-07-21s2t05.flac 6:13.74 65971292 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4091 gd84-07-21s2t06.flac 9:41.46 102596636 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4888 gd84-07-21s2t07.flac 8:51.59 93807212 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4615 gd84-07-21s2t08.flac 3:57.05 41818604 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5588 gd84-07-21s2t09.flac 5:11.52 54982748 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5789 gd84-07-21s2t10.flac 6:33.65 69478124 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5968 gd84-07-21s2t11.flac 153:58.45 1629690052 B 0.5183 (23 files)